How to prepare yourself for your hiking vacation?

Lounging among the vast fields & tall trees, as well as enjoying the pure air and an artisanal ice cream at the local farmer… Spring has been in the country for a while now, which means we are starting to dream about our next hiking vacations in the green surroundings. But do you know how to prepare for your hiking vacation? We would like to give you some tips to get everything out of your vacation!

A prepared man...

A pleasant hiking vacation is one without inconveniences. Do you have new hiking shoes? The most important and obvious tip is to run in your shoes beforehand. So take a walk around your area! That way they will adjust to your feet and sit perfectly against your walking vacation in the Campine.

Everything right at hand...

Take a handy backpack with you on your hike! Be sure to bring the following items: sunscreen, sunglasses, tissues, bottle of water or patches. Curious about all the life in the forest environment? Bring an enricher! That way you can admire the birds, hares and other animals that call the beautiful green landscapes their home.

Time for a break...

The hiking trails are enriched with bistros and cafes. So you can enjoy a snack and a drink along the way. Do you prefer to spend as much time in nature as possible? You can order a packed lunch for on the way at Corsendonk Hotels. That way you can enjoy a rich and fresh lunch in the middle of restful nature.

Still looking for the perfect hiking vacation?

The various Corsendonk Hotels are surrounded by hiking trails! You can enjoy a peaceful environment, gastronomy and a good night’s sleep. Discover all packages via this button.

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